SitSmart Posture Seat Instructions
How to Sit
Follow these simple instructions for sitting on your BackJoy SitSmart seat correctly.

Instructional Video
BackJoy founder Bing Howenstein walks you through how to use your SitSmart posture seat in three easy steps.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When should I feel results?
A: Many users experience immediate relief, and some require several weeks of regular use to feel the benefits of their BackJoy. Your results will depend upon your underlying conditions and how often you use your BackJoy product. If you don’t feel any change when you sit on a BackJoy, make sure you have closely followed the sitting instructions and your buttocks muscles are firmly cupped.
Q: Does BackJoy work on soft couches?
A: Yes! BackJoy products will cradle and support your body while you sit on soft cushions. It is important to note that when you sit down into the soft cushions of a couch, your gluteus muscles can stretch and flatten even more than they do when you sit on a hard chair. Such stretching and flatten- ing can aggravate back pain, so it’s definitely beneficial to use your BackJoy while relaxing on the couch.
Q: I’ve followed the seating directions, but I’m still uncomfortable. What am I doing wrong?
A: First, make sure that you are sitting on your BackJoy and not using it propped up behind you. It is important to note that changing your sitting posture can cause temporary discomfort—like going to the gym for the first time. Your muscles, joints and ligaments may need time to adjust and relax into the new posture that your BackJoy provides. If this is the cause of your discomfort, limit usage to 15 minutes and increase usage time over the course of a few days or a week. Go slow and listen to what your body needs. If there is an increase in pain, stop using your BackJoy and consult a medical professional.
Q: My BackJoy is too small. Is there a larger size?
A: Your BackJoy is made small on purpose. It is designed to cradle the space around the two sitting bones at the base of your pelvis and must be smaller than your buttocks to do so. BackJoy seating products are most effective for adults between 90 and 300 lbs. Optimum effectiveness is between 110 and 270 lbs.
Q: Will BackJoy work for my condition?
A: We have heard from thousands of BackJoy enthusiasts who have found relief from a wide variety of ailments with BackJoy. BackJoy will not cure your back pain, but it will relieve the pressures and strains caused by sitting that aggravate your underlying condition so you can be comfortable.
Here are just some of the conditions we’ve been told BackJoy is helping:
Low back pain, herniated discs, degenerated discs, compressed discs, back injuries, hip injuries, neck/cervical pain, sciatica, coccyxdinia (sore tail bone), scoliosis, spinal stenosis, osteoporosis and many more.
Q: How do I clean my BackJoy?
A: Wash with mild soap and water or standard upholstery cleaner. Do not put in laundry machines or dishwashers.
Where to Use SitSmart
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Did you recently purchase a SitSmart? Use your new seat as much as you can over the next two weeks. You have a full 30 days to prove it’s working so try using it anywhere you sit: at home, in your car, at work—everywhere!